

The first session

The first session is your free online coaching consultation where you share and explain your goals.

During this session you can clarify all your questions about our coaching. We will discuss the services that fit your needs and help you to achieve your goals.

The complimentary session takes 45-60 minutes and has “no strings attached”.

L’Advance Start-Easy

4 coaching sessions
  • This package is for you if you are new to coaching
  • This package is for you when you want to resolve one specific business or career issue
  • This package is for you when you want to resolve one specific business or career issue
  • This package can give you practical tips, suggestions and insights in how to deal with a smaller, practical business, leadership or career challenge
  • This package will re-energize you and inspire you to tackle the specific issue head-on and with confidence
  • All sessions in this package are online live sessions with a duration of 1,5 hours

L’Advance Intensive

10 coaching sessions and ongoing e-mail support in between sessions during 6 to 12 months
  • This package is for you when you want to tackle a complex business challenge, when you start a new job with a new team, or have to face a transformational leadership challenge
  • This package is for you when you look for 6 or 12 month-long support to get through a challenging period
  • This package can help your deal with a limiting beliefs or negative self-talk that holds you back. You will recharge and be able to move beyond the issue that is weighing you down
  • The coaching starts with a half day (3-hour) face to face coaching session, followed up with 8 sessions of 1,5-2 hours online coaching, closing off with 1 evaluation and celebration session face to face.

L’Advance Intensive + FemInForce

10 coaching sessions and ongoing e-mail support in between sessions during 6 to 12 months + a free FemInForce package.
  • To enhance diversity and inclusion in corporations, L’Advance adds benefits & tools for women who aspire top careers in corporates. All business women signing up for L’Advance Intensive will receive:
  • One FREE training session where you learn about the “Male & Female” leadership qualities and how to work with these effectively
  • A presentation on diversity and how to increase gender equality in the top of corporations
  • Networking options, based on Tine Snels' network